Support Unspoken
When you leave someone and take refuge in someone else's help. I moved in with my mother and needed assistance from my sister and dad. When talking of leaving they told me "anything you need...we are here for you" but what they didn't tell me was that there are strings attached. My interpretation is: You are helping me, I am broke in more than one way and I need to heal - thank you for offering me time and space and support. I will buy coffee and toilet paper and help with chores. What happened was: I will take care of you and baby you and you stay home and cry and struggle and don't go out and meet people because you are too broken and I will try to fix you. If you go out too much and don't look miserable while you are here then I will yell at you and question everything you do. Of course I am biased and the truth lies somewhere in between. The point is - talk often about expectations and needs - asking and telling.